i love the beging
omg i lol so hard i laughed for five minits omg your the funnyest
i love the beging
omg i lol so hard i laughed for five minits omg your the funnyest
loved it ;)
i like the ending and when the red cat was praticeing id say your filled with art :)
i cryed
i really did it was so cute and adorble i fav part was the ending i could stop crying! but you did a very good job your filled with peace :)
i clicked on planton at the end, and i laughed so hard i almost died :3
i like when baby come out of his head because he so dump XD
man i loved that it was creapy but awsome nice job dude
loved it
the only problem is it wont relly do any thing when im reading and wait for about ten or five mins then i have to skip it
thats relly funny
Joined on 5/28/10